Kentucky Organizations
Kentucky Organizations:
Kentucky Association for Environmental Education:
Encourages environmental education for all Kentuckians and provides
- Networking opportunities
- Conferences
- Online courses and credentials
- Curriculum programs
Kentucky Council for the Social Studies:
Advocates and educates about social studies education in Kentucky and provides
- Professional development
- Networking opportunities
- SSTL Journal
- Resources
Kentucky Science Teachers Association:
Promotes effective science education throughout Kentucky
- Conferences
- Networking opportunities
Kentucky Academy of Science:
Aims to foster scientific discovery and understanding in Kentucky.
- Access to research grants
- Receive a newsletter
- Connect with a wider scientific community
- Access to the Journal of Kentucky Academy of Science
Kentucky NEED Project:
Focuses on K-12 energy education
- Provides workshops for teachers
- Curriculum materials and kits for energy activities in the classroom
- Assistance in forming student energy teams in schools
Kentucky Green and Healthy Schools:
Project based program that encourages students to improve their school facilities in different categories
- Instructional Leadership
- Energy
- Green Spaces
- Hazardous Chemicals
- Health and Safety
- Indoor Air Quality
- Solid Waste
- Transportation
- Water
Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) Kentucky:
Project-based learning providing an opportunities for students to
- Design, make, connect and learn through technology use
- Create original digital content
Kentucky Environmental Education Council:
Promotes energy and environmental education in Kentucky by providing
- Resources
- Professional Environmental Educator Certificate Program
Kentucky Future Farmers of America (FFA):
Develops students through agricultural education
- For students between 12-21
- Scholarship opportunities
- Work-based experience through supervised projects
Kentuckians for Science Education:
Nonprofit advocating for high quality science education in Kentucky
- Monitors science education policy
- Provides a list of science education resources
Kentucky Geographic Names Committee:
Considers proposals from persons and groups to
- Give names to unnamed places and geographic features
- Change names that appear on government map
- Correct errors of spelling or location on maps