ESRI GIS Resources:
On this page we have compiled many resources from ESRI for teachers relating to geographic instruction and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
- GIS Overview-This is an overview of GIS and what GIS can be used for.
- ArcGIS Mapping Hour- This provides 20 informal 1 hour lessons from ESRI for parents and educators about how to use using and what skills are necessary for the use ArcGIS online in K-12 education.
- Teachers Teaching Teachers GIS- This is an organization connected to ESRI and made up of teachers dedicated to teaching fellow teachers GIS. The organization provides resources, webinars, networking, and professional development opportunities for teachers. Membership is free.
- Resources to Teach GIS Remotely- This is a collection of resources that can be used to teach students GIS whether those students are in person or fully online. It includes webinars, short online courses, and online activities.
- Teach with GIS- This resource provides tips about how to incorporate GIS in classrooms, schools, and districts as well as lessons and activities that can be used in the classroom.
- Top 10 Educational Benefits for Students Who Use GIS-This is a list of the top 10 benefits for students who use GIS.
- ESRI Training-This is a collection of ArcGIS trainings run by ESRI. These trainings are a mixture of videos, tutorials, instructor-led, and storymaps. Some of these trainings are free while others have a fee.
- ESRI ArcGIS Videos-This is a collection of ESRI ArcGIS videos available on Youtube. They cover a wide range of topics and different ArcGIS software packages.
- ESRI Events Youtube Channel-This is a collection of ArcGIS Youtube videos created by ESRI to cover different topics related to ArcGIS software and mapping.
- ESRI 2020 Education Summit-This is a collection of ArcGIS Youtube videos focusing on the use of GIS in education. Some of the videos focus on the use of GIS in college, and other videos focus on the use of GIS in the K-12 classrooms.
- Get started with ArcGIS Online-This is a Youtube video that provides an introduction to ArcGIS Online.
- Spatial Analysis in ArcGIS Online-This is a Youtube video that introduces how to use spatial analysis tools within ArcGIS Online.
- Learn ArcGIS- This is a collection of tutorials and lessons using real world and relevant examples. These tutorials and lessons range from about 5 minutes to over 2 hours in length
- Learn ArcGIS Student Hub-This is a collection of GIS Tutorials designed for student use.
- ESRI Newsroom-This provides new articles, news, and stories from ESRI and ArcGIS. These resources may be online or can be subscribed to for free and a paper copy received. This includes WhereNext, ESRI and the Science of Where Podcast, ESRI Blog, ArcUser, ArcNews, and ArcWatch.
- Building a Winning Story with ArcGIS Storymaps-This provides a series of four lessons aimed to help participants of the ArcGIS Online Competition for US High School and Middle School Students. These lessons will also help any other storymap builders as they build their storymaps. These lessons involve using locator maps to establish context, customizing a theme, embedding multimedia into storymaps, and using map actions.
- ArcGIS Storymaps: Storytelling that Resonates-This video provides a short introduction to ArcGIS Storymaps.
- ESRI Ebooks-This is a collection of free ebooks located on ESRI's website. These ebooks cover a range of topics from the basics to focusing on various real world applications.
- ArcGIS Online in Education-This is an free ebook focusing on several of the early adopters of ArcGIS Online in education.
- The ArcGIS Book-This is a free ebook from ESRI covering GIS related topics, including mapping basics, storymaps, data, spatial analysis, and more.
- ESRI Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)-This is a collection of online courses ranging form 4 weeks to 6 weeks and are self-paced. They cover a wide array of topics.
- Exploring with GIS-This is a collection of short videos created in a partnership between ESRI and National Geographic discussing how National Geographic explorers are using GIS.
- Advancing STEM Education with GIS-This is a free pdf from ESRI providing examples of how to use GIS in STEM education in schools.
- Discover the Possibilities with ArcGIS StoryMaps!-This is a collection of storymaps looking at different aspects of how to use ArcGIS Storymaps as well as the different abilities and parts of ArcGIS Storymaps.
- Digital Storytelling for the classroom and beyond-This is a collection of storymaps looking at the power of storytelling using place.
- GIS with Kids-This is a collection of storymaps with activities aimed at introducing children K-4 to GIS.
- ArcGIS StoryMaps Gallery-This is one of ESRI's storymap galleries.
- Perform Analysis in Map Viewer- This is a tutorial on how to perform this skill in ArcGIS Online. It includes short videos that explain how to use it.
- What's new for ArcGIS- This page updates with new features and techniques for making storymaps through ArcGIS online.
- Tips and Tricks Newsletter- ESRI offers a free newsletter that sends new tips and tricks for making new storymaps.
- ESRI Community- This page allows for people to talk with other users to troubleshoot, ask questions, and build relationships with others who use ArcGIS Online.